About us

Photo of Amjed Kadhim-Saleh
Amjed (AJ) Kadhim-Saleh is a community family physician and clinic owner in Toronto. AJ has a deep understanding of the joys and pains of practicing family medicine, building an efficient practice, and creating workflows that work for family physicians. AJ developed Pippen so that family physicians could claim back their time, feel supported, and have a great day at work. AJ also wants to help physicians discover the wonder of AI, which is poised to revolutionize how physicians deliver care.  


Mary Aglipay picture

Mary Aglipay is a clinic owner and PhD Candidate in epidemiology with an emphasis on data science and AI. Mary brings expertise in machine learning, large datasets, and clinical epidemiology. Mary built Pippen to provide a rigorous, evidence based approach to the real-life application of AI in family medicine.