Empowering Family Physicians

AI family doctors GPT-4

Meet Pippen, Your AI-Powered Physician Assistant

Take Back Your Time.

Focus on the medicine and the things that really matter. Rediscover work-life balance. Say goodbye to burnout.

Family doctors deserve support.

  • AI-Powered.

    Pippen uses OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo, an immensely powerful language model that delivers exceptional performance.

  • Completely PHIPA Compliant.

    Keeping patient information confidential is our #1 priority. Pippen uses multiple security measures, making it a PHIPA compliant solution that gives you peace of mind.

  • Tailored For Family Doctors.

    Pippen is tuned to the needs of family doctors in Ontario, giving you the tailored support you deserve.

Pippen uses GPT-4 Turbo to help doctors document, draft referral letters, and work through clinical decisions.

All while ensuring PHIPA compliance.


Hands-free documentation

Transcribe your patient interactions using the best available voice-to-text technology.

Instant SOAP notes

instantly organize your transcribed encounter into a structured note.

Suggest language

for referral notes, for patient communication, and more. Grammatically correct and respectful of tone.

Billing suggestions

Immediately suggest billing codes that optimize what you are paid based on your encounter.

PHIPA-compliant solution

Use AI with the peace of mind that your patient data is safe and secure

AI-Powered Scribe

Tired of typing on your EMR? We are too. Let Pippen do the typing so you can focus on the patient (psst- this can save you up to two hours per day!).

Clinical Support

Think of Pippen as your really smart Physician Assistant. Try asking Pippen for suggestions on DDx, Ix, Tx, and other smart abbreviations.

Billing Optimization

Ever wondered if you could bill more effectively? Ever wondered which ICD code you should use? Wonder no more— Pippen makes billing easy.

  • Finish Documenting Faster

  • Have Better Patient Interactions

  • Optimize Billing

Have Your Say in AI

AI is coming to medicine. Help us shape the future of AI together.